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2013. "The Art Heist of Stupidity". - The Sun. May 8th 2013.

Thieves nick sculpture...of fake cash.

A dozy gang of thieves nicked thousands in FAKE Eur100 notes - leaving valuable art untouched. Balla Bán Art Gallery owner Frank O'Dea has told how the bungling crooks made off with the bogus cash stash but failed to take artwork worth Eur5000. 

The Contemporary artist had been transferring a collection entitled Confessions of a Banker, which features items representing the Celtic Tiger years, when the dimwitted robbers struck.

He told the Irish Sun: "I was delivering one of my 'junk' artworks to my art gallery a couple of days ago. "The piece is entitled Confessions of a Banker and is made up of components that had been discarded, hence the name junk or trash art. There was an old confession box screen, a broken mannequin, a broken euro money box, along with an old wooden crate box that I had covered in pieces of paper that were colour copies of eur100 notes.

"I had parked my car in Clarendon Street and had other artworks to delivery to my gallery. But when I got back to the car a few minutes later, the wooden crate had been stolen. "I also had valuable paintings in the car worth around eur5000 that they did not steal. Each of the Eur100 notes has THIS IS A FAKE written in large red letters. They must be Ireland's dumbest criminals."

So far the box with the fake notes stuck on it have not turned up anywhere. A garda spokesman said: "We do not comment on individual cases"


- Barry Moran. The Sun. Wednesday May 8th, 2013.

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